Daddy & me

Daddy & me

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Welcoming Families from Around the World

You are working in an early childhood setting of your choice – a hospital,  a child care center, a social  service agency.  You receive word that the child of a family who has recently emigrated from a country you know nothing about will join your group soon.  You want to prepare yourself to welcome the child and her family.  Luckily you are enrolled in a course about diversity and have learned that in order to support families who have immigrated you need to know more than surface fact about their country of origin.  The country is Africa.

1)      I would first find out about Africa’s language, which is Arabic, Swahili and Hausa.  I would find out which language my African family speaks and try and learn some greetings in that language such as hello, how are you, nice to meet you.

2)       I would try and locate artifacts or jewelry from this country.  African culture has always placed emphasis on personal appearance and jewelry has remained an important personal accessory.  I would display the jewelry or artifact in the classroom so the child has a sense of his/her culture.

3)      I would read up on the latest current events in that country so that I might have something to discuss with them upon meeting.  This will also show the family that I am interested in them.

4)      I would prepare a form with the help of a translator asking questions about the child and family to find out what goals and beliefs the family holds regarding their child.

5)      I would find out about the family’s customs and holidays so that we might incorporate into our class activities.

I think preparation to meet this family will help make everyone comfortable.  The family will get a sense of caring when I greet them in their own language and am able to discuss current events of their country with them.  Preparing a questionnaire sends a message to the family that we are interested in their child and want to make her learning experience productive and successful.


Wikipedia (n.d.) Culture of Africa retrieved from


  1. I agree that you have to decorate your classroom with african artifacts because it will make the family feel at home. Also you have to know exactly what language the family speaks because Africa is a continent with lots of countries that speak different languages.

  2. I appreciate the areas you selected. I think that the families really will have a sense of acceptance through you attempting to greet them in their native language. Thanks for sharing.

  3. This is a great blog. Africa is a diversified continent with different culture and language. Education and home study such as tutoring in brampton helps student excel in classroom. Thanks for posting.
