Daddy & me

Daddy & me

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Reasons for my Topic

My topic for my simulation is empathy.  The questions I would like to answer is when does empathy present itself in young children and Is prosocial behavior inherent or is it learned from older children and adults.  This topic is important to me because prosocial behavior in children is the foundation to their learning.  If children are unable to cooperate and trust the people they are around learning is impossible. 

I would like to know when children are capable of empathy and or prosocial behavior  and if it is inherent or something that must be cultivated in a child.  As an early head start teacher I work with very young children and behavior is a major issue in the classroom.   I would like to have realistic expectations of the children in my class and this information would be helpful to me.  It is my position if prosocial behavior has to be cultivated, I would like to know this so that I can work on helping children to learn prosocial behavior.  Knowing the age sets my expectations.  I have read in a previous course that children begin to exhibit empathy at the age of  4 years old, but read a research paper that found that 18 month olds exhibit empathy.  The research document also examined monkeys and they too are capable to altruistic behavior.  I personally have witnessed very young children exhibit behavior that I would consider empathetic.   I would like clarity as to when I could have expectations of a child being capable to prosocial behavior/empathy.

I think obtaining knowledge in this area would be beneficial to Early Childhood field because it would  shed light on how children learn and develop, which is key to knowing how to teach them.


  1. Fawn,
    What a great topic you have choosen! I feel a passion also in teaching you children empathy and the importance of continuing educating children on empathy. As a Head Start employee we have implemented "Second Step" into our daily lesson which teaches children the value of empathy as well as other mental health and social topics. Have you heard of Second Step before or has anyone else?

  2. Fawn,

    Very interesting topic you have chosen to explore. It is great to know when to expect a child to be capable of social factors such as empathy. As you stated, you can set your expectations and have them gain a better understanding of emotions.

    Setting realistic expectations in the classroom is great because ti lowers frustrations.

    Good luck with this subject and I look forward to learning more throughout the course!

  3. Fawn, That is a very interesting topic of choice. Empathy and when is it learned. Well as an educator for many years I do feel that children at 12 to 24 months began to express empathy in others but I do feel also it has a lot to do with what they learn from others. Some children I have seen in preschool do not come in with empathy but as they grow and see it throughout the classroom environment they learn to use it. It could depend on the child's environment if they know how to use it or not. I will definitly enjoy seeing the results of your research. Great topic!

  4. Hi Fawn. I have said this before and I will say it again. You have selected a very interested topic. I am anxious to see if prosocial behavior is inherant and learned. Part of me believes that it is a combination of both. Like you, I also believe that this topic and research regarding this topic would be beneficial to all individuals working in the field of early childhood.

  5. Great post Fawn!

    Empathy is one of those topics that has so many benefits when understood. It doesn't only allow us to feel for the child,it also allows us to relate to the child and her circumstance.
