What insights have you gained about research from taking this course?
I have learned that there is a lot of details that need to be addressed when undertaking any research project. I understand that there are ethical issues that need to be addressed when soliciting participants. Obtaining the necessary permissions and assents from parents and children is key. Also understanding the risk factors of a research project is important to be able to receive the necessary approval to proceed with a project.
In what way have your ideas about the nature of doing research changed?
Prior to taking this course I had assignments that involved my reading research papers and I was challenged with understanding the material presented, particularly the results section of a research paper. I now understand how to read and interpret a research paper, because of the material covered in this course. I think one of the key components to research is conducting a valid research project and I now understand that triangulation is an important factor in producing a valid research project.
What lessons about planning, designing and conducting research in early childhood did you learn?
I learned that your question in a research project cannot be a general question, but incisive and that creating sub topics helps to identify what your research will address. I also learned that equity is important to any research project. Researchers need to address the issues of justice and fairness when designing a project. Researchers need to be sensitive to their perception of authority or power when undertaking a researcher project, because their outcomes may be tainted or contaminated. Over all I have learned there is much detail that goes into the design of a research project.
What were some of the challenges you encountered and in what ways did you meet them?
The work I did on my own research project was challenging to me. The process of identifying a effective research questions was challenging to me. I think that my initial question was too general so I came up with several subtopics, but could not decide which one closest addressed the issue that I was trying to research.
What are some of the ways your perception of an early childhood professional has been modified as a result of this course?
I have a greater respect for research and how it helps improve and guide the early childhood field. I have learned that research is a science that has many details that need to be addressed before research can be valid and can improve the lives of young children.